This renders the SDR largely irrelevant except in a minor role as an accounting unit: the basket of four currencies that compose it the dollar, the euro, the yen and sterling is occasionally used to value internationally traded goods. 这使得SDR大体上变得无足轻重,除了作为一种核算单位的次要角色:由4种货币(美元、欧元、日元和英镑)构成的货币篮子只是偶尔被用于评估国际贸易商品的价值。
Minor unit must be less than or equal to major unit. 次要刻度线间距必须小于主要刻度线间距。
Maximizing expected utility from terminal wealth under case of different rates between borrowing and saving; The numbers you specified can't be used because the interval for the minor unit tick marks must be less than or equal to the interval for the major unit tick marks. 不同存贷利率下极大化终止时刻期望效用指定的数字无效,因为次要刻度间距需小于等于主要刻度间距。
Found reduced psychopathology and minor change in length of patient stay, and a clinically desirable atmosphere subsequent to the redesign of a unit. 发现减少了精神病理学而且在忍耐停留的长度中的较小变化,而且临床令人想要的气氛后来的到那一个单位的重新设计。
The numbers you specified can't be used because the interval for the minor unit tick marks must be less than or equal to the interval for the major unit tick marks. 指定的数字无效,因为次要刻度间距需小于等于主要刻度间距。
If the circumstances are relatively minor, he shall be given administrative sanctions at the discretion of his work unit or of the competent authorities at a higher level. 情节较轻的,由其所在单位或者上级主管机关酌情给予行政处分。
Minor Type Length Measuring Unit for Transmission Belt 小型传动带测长设备
To discover the minor leakage in boiler on time is significant to avoid unscheduled downtime of power unit and minimize maintenance period. 及早发现锅炉的轻微泄漏对避免机组非计划停运、缩短检修时间具有非常积极的意义。
While these bigger units also include some minor functional modules, for instance, the ALU comprises arithmatic operation unit, multiplication& division unit and logic operation unit. 在这些较大的功能单元中又包含一些较小的功能单元,比如在算术逻辑单元中又包含了加法运算单元、乘除运算单元以及逻辑运算单元等。
Minor work on technical renovation is carried out of the dryer, product screen and ammonia station of a diammonium phosphate unit, achieving the aim of a reduction in investment and a yield in quick results, with good economic benefit. 通过对磷铵装置的干燥窑、成品筛、氨站进行小的改造,达到投资省、见效快的目的,而且取得了较好的经济效益。
In comparison between minor and unit level many factors are more difficult to start. 在小类和细类的比较上,许多因素比较难以入手。